

                                                       Gardening helps to reform our lifestyle! A large proportion of the world’s population lives in urban areas and urban lifestyle is prone to health hazards such as heart disease, stroke, depression, diabetes and obesity. More than 264 million people of all age group suffer from depression worldwide. And women are more affected than men.  You will be surprised to learn that India is the most depressed country in the world, according to the World Health Organization, followed by China and the USA. We are one of the most affected by anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. And we must take charge of the current situation. Let us find out how.  Nature and Human life Nature has always played an important role in humans' life. It is not only beautiful on the outside but it also makes...

Cow Cuddling: Renaissance of A Traditional Practice

  Cow cuddling, also known as cow hugging is becoming very popular as a therapeutic practice in many countries of the world today. People are getting mental peace and comfort through this practice. Under this practice, they are given the opportunity of visiting the cow farms and spending several hours in the company of cows. While the practise is more about talking to the cow heart to heart, they are also expected to give a light and fleeting touch as also caress. It has been proved that all those who have come in contact with cows and expressed their love and affection, have been reciprocated emotionally.  In Dutch cities, embracing cow is called “koe Knuffelen” and this practice has been appealing to the world because of its immense mental benefits. Various farm owners in USA, Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia have introduced cow cuddling activities in their farms as part of their wellness programmes. Cow hugging sessions have become popular as well as one of the most ...

My Thoughts on Self-Confidence

  “We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think."- Swami Vivekananda Self-confidence is an important attribute in life as oxygen for humans and water for fish. Without confidence, a person cannot move on the path of success. Self-confidence is the energy that gives a person the courage to face the obstacles, difficulties and troubles that come in the way of chasing one's dreams. Today, we often encounter children and adults who  are scared of life and often marred of circumstances very easily. They doubt their powers. They do not trust themselves. They fear if they are capable of carrying out any responsibility. They are always scared and lack the fire and desire to prove their mettle. They are scared to take chances and always fear that something bad will occur. The  main reason for this is  l ack of self-confidence. It is one of the biggest problems in the youth these days. Elders around them must boost up their morale. Fear is the e...


                                                                                                                              PRAYERS....... I am saying this from my personal experience that whenever I have been in a livid situation and have felt vulnerable, help has come to me from somewhere or the other. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. My clouds have always been dispersed by the silver lining. I would not be exaggerating if I said that prayer is the only truth that I know of and everything else seems to be an illusion to me.  Prayer is not a  superstition or an action , but it is a reality, truer than the food that we eat, water that we drink, or the l...

Mask: An Important Tool to Avoid Infection

                                                                Created by PENDOWN The nasty virus has  killed over millions of people all over the world. For many it has been a struggle of life and death. Lakhs of people have recovered but some have not been lucky enough to fight it because it attacks rapidly by hitting the lower levels of respiratory systems, causing blood and oxygen to break into the alveoli. India has recorded 7,053,806  coronavirus cases since the epidemic began. Trials of vaccines continues and primary results are encouraging. Millions of hopes are pinned on it but until then we must continue to follow the protocols that are important to keep us safe.  #UnitedAgainstCovid One must regularly and thoroughly clean hands with an  alcohol-based hand rub  or wash them with soap and w...