I am saying this from my personal experience that whenever I have been in a livid situation and have felt vulnerable, help has come to me from somewhere or the other. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. My clouds have always been dispersed by the silver lining. I would not be exaggerating if I said that prayer is the only truth that I know of and everything else seems to be an illusion to me.
Commonly, people ignore or forget to say their prayers. They do not devote proper attention and time to the ritual of praying. If they pray too, they perform half-heartedly or out of fear. Some people pray to God only when an incident happens to them. There are very few people who surrender to God completely.
Prayer is a true call of the heart. It is a connection with one super power that you believe into. When you pray with a pure heart, it can bring miracles. It was prayer of Bhakta Prahlad that kept him safe in every distress. Dhruva saw God in the forest only with the power of prayer. Namdev persisted with his prayer until Lord came and drank the milk.
Prayer comes from practicing. Prayer is the process of communicating with our creator, that one power which is above all. When we pray, blurred
thoughts go away from our mind and it comes at peace. Prayers serve as a healing touch to the ailing body. Prayers
strengthen us, support us, and prayers make us holy. Prayer is a call that comes
from inner voice with pure heart. When you actually devote time to prayer, it means your heart desires the ultimate.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I have no doubt about this that prayer by heart is a
panacea for the purification of lust.” Prayer plays an important role in our
internal changes. When we pray, we accept that there is someone who has
illuminated us all. There is someone who has control over the entire universe.
When we pray, we suppress our own ego.
There is no particular process of saying your prayers. In fact, everyone has their own way. The saints have advised that one can start by reading Vedic texts in the morning and evening, and practice some postures like Padmasana and Sukhasana etc. in a solitary and peaceful place of your home. Also try to cleanse your mind from worldly affairs, and then you must meditate.
As you pray, you disconnect with the worldly affairs of life and begin to walk on the
path of the right. Prayer should not be a compulsion or a vague result of any kind of fear, it should be a habit. Once we start connecting with our inner self, get over our vices, experience the feeling of
that bliss, prayer starts echoing in us. Personally, I also feel that prayer empower me.
Prayer is not just the utterance of mantras, but the voice of the heart, which must reach our inner soul. If its not uttered from the heart, it might just be words and verses. The inception of prayer is the heart. If we do not call God by heart, then the voice will not reach Him. If you want to reach Him, then close your mouth, speak with your heart. He listens to the heart, not to the mind or mouth.
The first law of prayer is to go beyond lust. The saints have said that
lust which also has a name "Aishna", is of three types, Putreshna,
Vitteshana and Lokeshna. Wish of child, wish of wealth and fame. When a man
rises above all of this and stands in front of the divine just to attain divineness,
then true prayer happens. The desire to attain that ultimate, makes every word
echo within us as a mantra.
Secondly, prayer should not be done in loneliness, but in solitude. There
is a great spiritual difference between the two. Loneliness leads to
depression, as turning away from the world does not guarantee attachment with God. Solitude means that you are alone in the outer covering, but the
divine is with you. Detachment from the world and attachment with God gives
birth to solitude, so change loneliness into solitude first, then prayer will
occur automatically.
The third law of prayer says, put your demand before God for Him. Praying does not mean visiting temples and worshipping Gods and Goddesses for worldly pleasures. Pray but don't ask. If you wish for happiness in prayer, then happiness may come, but that is not your true goal. You must aim for bliss that comes by surrendering to the divine.
Our Gods can be different, our paths can be opposite but we all belong to one power. So, let us pray to God, and follow the path to peace in
life. And the only way to be on that path is through prayer. I will not hesitate in saying that “every
problem can be solved provided you pray” and believe in the power of prayer
with enthusiasm. Prayer
is one of the most powerful weapons that we have with us. Prayer is a
conversation with God. No one can fathom
the magnanimity of our creator.
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