My Thoughts on Self-Confidence


“We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think."- Swami Vivekananda

Self-confidence is an important attribute in life as oxygen for humans and water for fish. Without confidence, a person cannot move on the path of success. Self-confidence is the energy that gives a person the courage to face the obstacles, difficulties and troubles that come in the way of chasing one's dreams.

Today, we often encounter children and adults who are scared of life and often marred of circumstances very easily. They doubt their powers. They do not trust themselves. They fear if they are capable of carrying out any responsibility. They are always scared and lack the fire and desire to prove their mettle. They are scared to take chances and always fear that something bad will occur. The main reason for this is lack of self-confidence. It is one of the biggest problems in the youth these days. Elders around them must boost up their morale.

Fear is the enemy of self-confidence. Fear stops people from finding freedom and more happiness. To overcome it, one should change their emotions into empowerment. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Fear defeats more people than any other thing in the world.” Fear does not vanish automatically but one has to work towards it and keep the confidence that the bad phase will pass. 

Therefore, by keeping faith in yourself, you can easily achieve the biggest goals and make your life successful. The bee collects honey from each particle. She does not get her stock without working for it. She works hard to make honey. It is a result of her confidence and hard work. In fact it is your self confidence that prepares you for self-defence in any situation.

How does one find self-confidence?

Self-confidence is there in you. It is contained in every human being. You do not need to bring it from somewhere else. It is within you and you only have to strengthen your confidence by gathering the internal forces inside you. It is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control of your life. No one else but you are the master of your strengths and weakness well and thus just use it well. For all these years, I have used this for myself. There were so many things that I thought I would not be able to do but then I believed myself and went ahead. 

God has granted infinite powers to everyone in the world. There is something special in each one us. All that is needed is to recognize that special power inside and listen to the inner voice. What other people can do, you can do too. Trust yourself, then the world will trust you too. Self-confidence is virtually a mental and spiritual power. Beautiful and powerful ideas come through self-confidence. 


How to Work towards Self Confidence?

There is a lot of psychology surrounding the idea of self-confidence and self-esteem. Discipline has key role in this. Self-discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind. This is, therefore, one of the important requirements for achieving your goals. Self-confidence, self-esteem and inner strength, and consequently to happiness and satisfaction.

Why let others pull you down? If you have to live life happily, then it is absolutely necessary for you to have confidence and believe in your idea. Confidence is the power through which you and I can do anything. It strengthens the inner voice and this voice takes you way ahead in life. A person who is full of self-confidence, has no concern for his future. He does not worry. He is always free from the self-doubts and doubts that other people have. 

It was this confidence that helped Columbus discover America. Napoleon was enamoured with this power and told his commander that if the Alpus mountain stops our path, then it will not remain and indeed that huge mountain was cut and a way was carved out.

Be inspired by people around you!

Mahatma Gandhi jumped into the freedom of struggle by making weapons of truth and non-violence on the strength of this confidence. He eventually succeeded in cutting off the fetters of nemesis of Mother India. Abraham Lincoln worked tirelessly to free the slaves from the clutches of the owners. He wrote in his diary that I have promised God that I will definitely complete the work of the emancipation of slaves.

Self-belief is to believe in God whose power is invincible, infinite. The one who believes in himself, entrusts his reins to his (God) hands, the world trusts him. On the basis of self-belief, Columbus said that the earth is round. Self-belief or self-confidence fills a kind of enlightenment in a man's activity, his life, behaviour, movement. Surely, self-confidence or self-belief is the only strength of our salvation. Self-belief helps man in gathering his power so as to drive himself in a direction. Don't bluff or be over-confident but just be honest with yourself and others. There are always people around you to help you in the low days but you have to help yourselves first. 

To overcome low self-esteem and negativity, it is essential for you to be with right people, be your own best friend and get to know yourself. You must acknowledge your strength, your problems, make genuine efforts to solve them and never lose hope. Be confident!










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