Eco-green living!


There is an era of apartment culture in cities these days. People live in apartments according to their needs, interest, and financial status. Hundreds of societies have sprung up in the last decade. This is also a great example of infrastructural development and community living and it is important for the development of any country. In this blog, I would like to draw attention to making individual flats greener and aesthetically more beautiful for the overall greenery of society.

There are a few flat owners who seem to be aware of greenery whereas most of the residents do not even think of it. In my opinion, some residents lack awareness and some are not interested in greenery. Not knowing about the benefits of greenery can also be a reason. I live in a society and I appreciate the balcony gardens. It feels good to how people have made plants a major part of their home decor. And I must mention that a few residents have created beautiful ambiance on their terraces and balconies. The importance of greenery is not just pleasure but, in the true sense, it is the need of the hour.  


Studies show that having greenery around us can alleviate stress, help us to relax, and improve our cognition. In today's fast-paced world it is more important than ever to create a soothing environment in your home. It would be a unique experiment if flat owners may be encouraged to maintain greenery on the terrace or balcony of their flats. This experiment will not only be able to reduce the temperature of the apartment surroundings but also ensure the overall improvement in the quality of air and the environment. Singapore is the first country in Asia to focus heavily on eco-green living in public housing flats.



 My balcony!

Singapore: A Role Model

Apartment greenery, vertical gardens, balcony gardens – These cultures are rapidly developing in Singapore. Urban planners are weaving nature throughout—and even into bigger heights. New developments have mandated to include plant life in the form of green roofs, cascading vertical gardens, and verdant walls. While the sky-rise buildings are on a rise, there is a lot of emphasis on how to make them green as much as possible. Green building is mandatory there, since 2008.


Why are the green spaces being promoted? Well, we all know the answer to this. 'Green spaces' are extremely important because if you remain close to nature, it always takes care of you. Greenery and nature are natural sources of relaxation. These areas are also essential in sustaining life. Singaporeans often show concern about the detrimental irreversible effects of the reduction of natural areas and often request their government to pay more attention to these areas. It is high time that we all realize the importance of plants, forests, and wildlife in our lives.



Greenery Gives Natural Cooling

Wouldn't you like to live in a house where greenery gives comfort to our eyes? Our state governments and district development authorities should take note of the initiative taken by Singapore and give serious thought to making greenery mandatory in flats. Today, we buy costly air purifiers from the market for our homes to keep the home environment safe and clean, but we make the least efforts towards nurturing plants in our flats. Despite knowing that the plants act as natural air purifiers by removing harmful CO2 emissions, we are not much concerned about them.


Plants are natural air conditioners and have the capability of reducing the temperature by 2 to 8 degrees. Green plants provide natural cooling. The leaves block the heating effect of the sun. You can notice an instant difference in your local climate by planting and growing trees around you.



Incentives To The “Green” Rated Buildings by Kerala Government

The state government of Kerala has announced various incentives to the “green” rated buildings in the state to encourage eco-friendly buildings. The incentives include savings on property tax, stamp duty, and other charges. Previous research demonstrates that good IEQ (Indoor environmental quality) generally improves occupants' satisfaction and productivity. Strategies used to build a good IAQ include providing indoor plant and greenhouse-keeping products, among many other things.



                                                              Greener Apartments!


Innumerable Benefits of Eco-friendly Flats

When it comes to our quality of life, it’s no secret that our surroundings have a major impact on our health. Human health is foremost when it comes to assessing the overall comfort of the environment. If your surroundings are leading to sickness or a negative impact on health, then it is a matter of concern and it may be pointing to design or a technical flaw in the building system. 

Smart buildings play a crucial role when it comes to health. The quality of life of the citizens can be enhanced in many ways by bringing more and more greenery to housing flats. Hence, much priority may be given to green spaces and made part of the building construction policy to help reduce dust and carbon emissions.



For educated homeowners, going green is a no-brainer

For some people the desire to go green is to benefit the broader environment: fight climate change, reduce air pollution and curtail the harm we inflict on the planet and its many species. Others are motivated by their love for plants and concern for the health and well-being of humanity. Many already know the advantages of maintaining greenery in their flats and are also taking advantage of it.


There are many such examples in our country where people are maintaining greenery along with growing vegetables and fruits on their terraces or balcony. Social media is flooded with such information that people are growing spinach, parsley, methi, and a variety of microgreens, overcoming all sorts of constraints. And a lot of it is being done voluntarily and lovingly.



Greenery As Soul-Food

Alike Singapore where Green Building Design has become essential, India is also moving towards a green future. As per reports, the last five years have seen a pronounced push towards green buildings. However, its mandatory requirement in the construction of apartment housing flats needs to be ensured. At the same time, the housing should be eco-friendly as well as affordable.

If the concept of ‘apartments greenery’ has to be converted into a mission, it must be practiced by everyone. For this, awareness has to be brought among the people. It has to be made mandatory by law. People have to be made aware of its innumerable benefits. They have to be dedicated workshops to increase environmentalism. Because the bond between humans and nature is invincible.



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