As you are aware, COVID-19 has become a global pandemic, is on-going and is expected to affect humans for a long period. It has reached such a scale that even in the next six months it is not going to stop.

It has been a known fact that 80 percent of all infections are transmitted by hands. Several activities like shaking hands, opening doors and much more expose hands to harmful germs and bacteria. One can follow a small routine of cleaning hands more often than usual and prevent oneself from this full-blown pandemic.

Intensive campaigns are being run to create high level of awareness. Several campaigns are being run to promote hand hygiene, social distancing, transmission of infection among the public and compliance to the rules. 

Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to ensure hands are clean and free of germs. Many a times, it is not a viable option. However, there is a simple solution. Carry a hand sanitizer whenever you are in places where you may not be able to wash your hands. According to WHO, hand sanitizer is one of the best tools available to refrain from infectious diseases and spreading germs.

A study report says that an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is considered the best back-up option to skipping soap and rinsing with water. After handling cash, meeting people, touching objects and coming in contact with things that you may not know, it is crucial to clean your hands, especially if you are about to consume food shortly afterwards. In such situations, keeping hand sanitizer in your pocket is must.

Panic over fear of corona virus pandemic has led to a variety of hand sanitizers flying off the shelves at the local grocery store. That is why, buying hand sanitizers have skyrocketed in each and every country.

But with so many products available, one has to be very careful while purchasing hand-sanitizers in the market. Recently, several companies have come up with their products in the market but their claims to kill nearly 100% germs and prevent certain diseases are misleading. As consumers, we have to be very careful. 

Read the guidelines and be assured that you are not buying fake products. I have collected some information that might be useful. Make sure to use an alcohol based hand sanitizer that contains at least 70 percent alcohol. The higher alcohol percentage will usually translate into higher efficacy. If the product is with a 5-log minimum kill rate (99.999%) – which are 100 times more effective that 3–log (99.9%) sanitizers.

Though, health officials claim that alcohol-based hand sanitizers are doing good over the past two decades, they are also adamant that the best method for avoiding germs is washing hands thoroughly with soap and water.Washing hands with soap and running water is the best way to get rid of bacteria, dirt and grime in most situations,” says Dr. Atul Gogia.

USA has put ban on use of hand-sanitizers of several companies and warned consumers and health care providers not to use the products that have tested positive for methanol contamination. Methanol or wood alcohol is a harmful substance, if ingested can be life-threatening. Methanol is not an acceptable ingredient for hand-sanitizers and must not be used due to its toxic effects.

FDA reminds consumers to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after coughing, sneezing or blowing one’s nose. If soap and water are not available, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends consumers use an alcohol-based hand-sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent ethanol (also referred to as ethyl alcohol)

Hand-sanitizers are essential component in the fight against the deadly corona virus infection and are used as a disinfectant to prevent the spread of the disease. The products are sold or offered for sale with false and misleading, unproven claims that they can prevent the spread of viruses such as COVID 19, including claims that they can provide prolonged protection. Some hand-sanitizers have been recalled and there are more than 150 hand sanitizers that FDA recommends to stop using right away. 

In India many fake hand-sanitizer making companies have been busted and caught by the administration. Haryana Food and Drug Administration on Thursday seized a fake hand sanitizer manufacturing company and found at least 5,000 hand sanitizers. Hyderabad police seized 25,000 units of 100 ml sanitisers and raw materials worth Rs.40 lakh. Investigation has revealed that so far the accused have manufactured and marketed 1 lakh bottles worth Rs.1,44,00,000. 

Get our facts right. Remember only alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers, as the name suggests, has varying amounts and types of alcohol, often between 60% and 95%. These sanitizers usually have isopropyl alcohol, ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or n-propanol. Electronic media has also been raising alarm regularly that not all hand-sanitizers are effective against corona virus. here I remind again, be careful before buying. 





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