My Love-Affair with Books


People say that life is the thing but I prefer reading.”—Logan Pearsall Smith.

“Think before you speak. Read before you think.” --- Fran Lebowitz

The above two quotes are my personal favorite!!

I penned down this blog article on the occasion of Book Lovers Day which is celebrated on August 9 every year, but when it comes to my love-affair with books, everyday is a book lovers day. 

The day is observed to encourage bibliophiles to celebrate and cherish their love for books and the habit of reading.I celebrate this day by feeling grateful for all the knowledge that I have imbibed through books. If there were no books to read, the world would be a very boring place. Thus, we must understand the importance of the day. The best thing about this day is that all generations can celebrate it. There are no rituals to adhere to and there are no rules. However, the essence of the day is more important that it seems. 

On this day, I always start a new book. In my view, this day should be a bigger affair. Every book lover must pick a good book, find his favorite reading corner and enjoy the day by reading it. 

What Makes Books So Special?

Books are a great source of information. They are our window to the world. They help us in learning new vocabulary, idioms, phrases and grammatical structures of sentences. Reading enhances our language skills and fluency, allowing us to express our thoughts and ideas better. Book helps in difficult times. When you go through hardships or when you are too depressed, books always help you to forget your worries and tension. They simply make you happy. They are our greatest source of entertainment.

Books quench our thirst for knowledge. They build a stairway to our imagination. They also terrify us and awaken us, but in good sense. You can say, books are unique portable magic. They can take you anywhere you wish to be. You can see the world through other people’s eyes, hear the sounds, taste the food and yet do all of this while sitting in your room.

Books are the purest form of escapism. They take you to any time, place or culture. From clay tablets to today’s e-Books, literature has played a crucial role in preserving culture, educating the masses and story telling.

Book Lovers Day

Book Lovers Day is also known as National Book Lovers Day in United States. It is a day of great expectations. The USA soared to the top as the most book marked spot in the world, coming in first for number of novelists, with 8314 authors having been born in the land of freedom. US also organised 219 literature events and festivals throughout the year.

Russia came flying in at fourth with an overall book lover score of 29.5 and an incredible 101,981 books published every year. India and UK both also ranked highly across the board, with UK playing host to 166 literary festivals every year and India publishing 90,000 books in that same period. India is also home to 1,118 libraries, compared to just 173 in UK.

As far as the number of book lovers are concerned, Estonia is at no. one. On an average, Estonians own 218 books per house. Poland’s capital Warsaw city comes first with 11.5 libraries per 100,000 people on average. Seoul and Brussels follow closely, with 11.0 and 10.0 libraries accordingly.

Book lovers are better human beings. According to study made by the archives of Neurology in Berkeley, reading regularly from young age can even help counter Alzheimer’s disease. British researchers at the university of Sussex found that just six minutes of reading a day lowered participants’ stress levels by 68 per cent, going for a walk, drinking a cup of tea or coffee and listening to music were less effective by comparison.

Books are the powerful tools. it will literally take you into another world. They are the only medium that can transport us through time and space – into the past, present, future, and faraway worlds – galaxies away.

Its not about one day, we should celebrate our love for books everyday. If you are not a book lover, you must become one. Book lovers should walk into a library, open a book,experience joys of reading and inspire youngsters.

Books and I

I have had the longest affair with books. I am an ardent lover of words of wisdom. I have my own library which has grown over the years. I enjoy collecting books and going back to them again and again. Books always make me more optimistic, more positive and have helped me evolve in a better version of myself. And it is rightly said by someone, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The one who never reads, lives only once.”

And now I have a book written by my daughter too!!







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